Uniform Conditioning Error Codes

Error codes used in UC and what they mean

Uniform Conditioning - Error Codes Reference

Your Uniform Conditioning module performs complex data preparation and interpolation routines based on a variety of input parameters as supplied by you.

In cases where it is either not possible to resolve the input parameters into a complete output, or an output that may be incomplete in terms of data records, an error code is generated by the module. The error code will represent either Tonnage Corrections and/or Grade Inconsistencies.

This reference page describes the error codes that can be generated by the Uniform Conditioning module, what they mean and guidance on how to resolve them.

Code Description


No tonnage correction was applied, all grades are consistent with the model


A tonnage correction has been applied and grades are still consistent with the model


A tonnage correction has been applied which has led to grade inconsistencies. This could be due to either:
  • a mean grade below the specified cut-off
  • the grade of an interval is not lying between two cut-off values


The difference between the panel grade and the grade calculated at the zero cut-off is larger than 1/10000, so that all metal quantities have been normalized before calculation.


The backtransformation of the panel's Kriged Value was not possible to calculate because the value falls outside the expected (Zmin, Zmax) interval of the model. All block/SMU values within such a panel are considered equal to the Kriged panel value Z to ensure that grades remain consistent within the model


Additional Notes

  • The error code is only an indicator - just a warning - which may highlight a conflict between the Kriged grades and the transformed model (the Anamorphosis model). Where a large proportion of panels are assigned an error code of 2, 3 or 4, this indicates that the input data and/or parameters supplied to UC should be reviewed before re-running the process. Where a relatively low number of panels are tagged with error codes, it is generally accepted that the resulting variables can be used safely.

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